
Fix Heatbed Adhesion with Adhesive Coating

If you are reading this, then you probably have issues with printing on glass or a mirror surface and you need an adhesive coating. That’s not a problem because there are a lot of fixes. To improve the adhesion some use hair spray, others recommend using paper glue. And there are even people (myself included) that dare to print directly on glass without any adhesion help, but that’s not fun. I had a lot of failed prints because of bad layer adhesion to the heatbed and i decided to try something else.

Enter Devil Design Adhesive Coating

Devil Design Adhesive Coating
Devil Design Adhesive Coating

I don’t know what kind of magic juice is in it, but it works really well. The bottle contains 110 ml of adhesive coating that should last you a long time, and at the top it has an easy aplicator. It is also worth mentioning that the coating has a nice vanilla smell. Considering that the price is ~8€, it’s well worh the price.

How to apply the Devil Design Adhesive Coating

First, you need to clean your glass / mirror bed really well. I usually apply some windows cleaner and make it spotless.

Clean heatbed | Fix Heatbed Adhesion with Adhesive Coating
Clean heatbed using window cleaner

Next, i apply a thin layer on the bed surface

Apply a thin layer of adhesive coating min | Fix Heatbed Adhesion with Adhesive Coating
Apply a thin layer of adhesive coating

I set the heatbed temp to 60C and wait for the coating to evaporate. When the heatbed reaches the printing temperature, your surface will look like this

Devil Design Adhesive Coating
Adhesive after heatbed is at temperature

Now, i can start the print without worrying that the print might fail because of the bad layer adhesion to the heatbed.

Printing on Devil Design Adhesive | Fix Heatbed Adhesion with Adhesive Coating
Printing on Devil Design Adhesive

When the print is finished, wait about 5 to 10 minutes until the heatbed cools and pick up your print. You will notice that the print is really easy to remove and you will forget about the scraper you used in the past. Cleaning the adhesive coating is easy. After a few prints, i take out the mirror and wash it with dish soap in the sink.

This is how the bottom of the print looks like when finished.

fist layer with adhesive | Fix Heatbed Adhesion with Adhesive Coating
Fist layer with adhesive

Let me know if you know other products that can help with layer adhesion to the heatbed down in the comments
Happy printing!


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